Authorization Policy
Authorization Policy
a. The Board of Directors or an Area Host responsible for a tool may determine whether or not a tool requires authorization to use. Tools requiring authorization must have a label indicating this, and this must be indicated in the wiki or some other means.
b. Tools requiring authorization will have a list of authorized users. These are the only people allowed to use the respective tool. This list may be stored on the wiki, an LDAP/Active Directory group, or some other means as determined by the Board of Directors or an Area Host responsible for the tool.
c. By default, any person authorized to use a tool may provide instruction to other members and authorize them to use the tool.
d. The Board of Directors or an Area Host responsible for the tool may designate additional requirements to become authorized or to remain authorized to use the tool. These may include but are not limited to:
- Limitations on who is permitted to authorize other users.
- Prerequisite authorizations a user must first obtain.
- Currency or re-authorization requirements (e.g. an authorization expires if the member has not used the tool in 6 months.)
- Limitations on permitted functions or work materials (e.g. a level 1 authorization allows machining aluminum, a level 2 authorization with additional requirements is required to machine steel.)
These additional requirements must be communicated to the membership via the wiki or some other means and may be modified by the Board of Directors or an Area Host responsible for the tool at any time.
e. If you operate a tool unsafely, negligently, or if you otherwise demonstrate poor or improper tool use, you and your authorizer may lose access to the tool.
f. The Board of Directors or an Area Host responsible for a tool may revoke a user's authorization to use the tool(s), and/or may ban a user from becoming authorized on the tool(s), for any reason. The Board of Directors or an Area Host responsible for a tool may also re-instate authorization and lift such a ban.
g. If you find someone demonstrating lack of knowledge in the use of a tool, stop them, instruct them in proper use, and report the incident to their authorizer and an Area Host responsible for the tool for follow-up and additional instruction.
h. Only current Pumping Station: One members may become authorized to use tools requiring authorization.
i. The Board of Directors or an Area Host responsible for specific tool(s) may grant exceptions to allow non-members to use specific tool(s) requiring authorization for one or more of the following purposes:
- Classes, instruction, workshops, demos, or events that provide benefit to Pumping Station: One and its members.
- Installing, enhancing, repairing, troubleshooting, or maintaining the tool.
Non-member use of the tool(s) must be limited to the designated purpose or purposes of the exception.
j. The Board of Directors or an Area Host responsible for a tool may designate any member as authorized to use a tool.
This policy was created by Authorization Policy Vote on 3-10-2015.