Board Meeting Notes 2013-07-16

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2013-07-09 2013 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2013-07-23 >>

Meeting start: 7:11


Board Members

  • Eric
  • Josh
  • Farkas
  • Jesse
  • Hailey
  • Bry
  • Ed

Other Members

  • Avner
  • David Kinney
  • Hef
  • Tim
  • Sacha
  • Jim Burke
  • Ryan


  • go over minutes from last meeting, do they look correct?
  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check the inbox weekly.
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • new business
  • old business

New Business

Old Business


  • Status of money owed by the old landlord. (Eric). We are working on sending information to a separate attorney.
  • move the annual meeting to november in the bylaws.
    • Handling as part of the new bylaws.
  • Go over the "Things the next board should deal with" list from the meeting of the 15th, it has a lot of stuff we have to be aware of.


  • read mail
  • Steve goes over financial report
  • reviewing trello
    • shop cop chats: no progress
    • biz cards- bry ordered for josh/hailey/eric- will order more people the next round
    • safe space- no progress- need to have working meeting
    • we may have to schedule regular working meetings
    • paypal- no progress
    • camera's - no progress
    • 501c3- steve has to get the 990 to Hassan
    • limited amount cards for area hosts- chase is giving Bry the major run around
      • Bry is going to have to find a more specialized agent at chase who works in the business division, or we will have to find a new bank
    • laser loan- again a problem with chase, it should be appearing on our statements and isnt
    • audit status- no progress
    • ps1 host list info- fixed
    • smoke detectors- already taken care of by Josh and Steve
    • orientation- eric will work on writing official policy
    • insurance policy is incorrect- says we tax exempt under the incorrect category- steve is working on it with insurance agent
    • liability waiver - no progress
    • Bry talking to area host- no progress
    • meetup- someone still has our account
    • liability insurance review- eric contacting lawyers on the 9th- hasnt gotten reply yet
    • steve says our insurance agent paul claussen is willing to come visit here and answer all our questions about our liability - we are possibly thinking next tuesday
    • reading new bylaws- we've made it all the way through the 1st draft and noted our comments- will send off to lawyers soon
    • getting all members on trello- no progress
    • complaints at signs- need to do a do over
    • wiki move over- josh is working on the final import tonight
    • secretary of state paperwork- no progress
    • haskei LLC - one of two addresses has been changed
    • complaints @ - one complaint about mistaken parking permit- steve corrected
    • amazon payments- in progress
    • electrical systems - we have the shopping list- no budget written up yet -
    • Corporate filings- 990's are 80% ready- 2010/11 are ready, 2009 is started but not completed
    • waivers box- bry is delegating
  • Ryan announces that the SEM has a new home and should be picked up by next weekend
  • choosing new area host for kitchen
    • we talked about the three candidates and decided we need to give them opportunities to resubmit applications and open it up to other candidates

  • Membership Report -
    • Full Members: 78
    • Starving Hacker: 159
    • Friends of PS1: 2
    • Total: 239

Meeting end: 8:10