Board Meeting Notes 2013-08-27

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2013-08-20 2013 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2013-09-03 >>

Meeting start: 7:17


Board Members

  • Eric
  • Bry
  • Farkas
  • Hailey
  • Jesse
  • Adam
  • Josh
  • Ed

Other Members

  • Ryan
  • Hef


  • go over minutes from last meeting, do they look correct?
  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check the inbox weekly.
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • review
  • new business
  • old business

New Business

  • Beginning of meeting- Ryan Pierce will give a 5 min update on SEM and things that still need to be decided about the issue
  • some people want a financial digest. Can we do that monthly through Zoho, having it on the mailing list makes me nervous because we don't monitor current membership status on there as well as we do on zoho (Hailey)

Old Business


  • Status of money owed by the old landlord. (Eric). We are working on sending information to a separate attorney.
  • move the annual meeting to november in the bylaws.
    • Handling as part of the new bylaws.
  • Go over the "Things the next board should deal with" list from the meeting of the 15th, it has a lot of stuff we have to be aware of.


  • Steve handed out a paper copy of the financial report
  • Ryan says the one SEM we have left is going well
    • He wants to start having certification problems
    • They purchased a hard drive that works and is a working back-up
    • Ryan has paid for some small expenses
    • he needs a tank of argon and it needs it's oil changed
    • Ryan wants to know if he can use the $550 special budget put aside for the SEM project
      • We are worried that despite our budget surplus, we may have a heavy tax bill due to the Ish debacle
    • He wants to know if we can move it to a new location next to the kitchen that has been taped off
  • Eric went over the Trello tasks board and we reviewed progress on our todo list. To see the Trello board which is a list of things that need to be done around the space, see Bry, Eric, Josh, or really any Board member
  • Should we get Quickbooks? Hailey will investigate different bookkeeping options
  • Eric is going to pick out a Wut? zone


  • Board votes unanimousely to authorize Ryan to use the $550 special project budget for the SEM
  • Membership Report -
    • Full Members: 83
    • Starving Hacker: 163
    • Friends of PS1: 2
    • Total: 248

Meeting end: 8:01