Board Meeting Notes 2015-02-24

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2015-02-17 2015 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2015-03-03 >>

Meeting Start: 7:03 PM


  • Board Members
    • Derek
    • Sevin
    • Ryan
    • Tom
    • Jenny
  • Other Members
    • Justin


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Check RT queue
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • review
  • check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
  • new business
  • old business

New Business

  • New Area Host transition

Old Business

  • Account delegation
    • Chase
      • Need to make downtown trip with Derek. Will get Sevin a Chase card and add Ryan to account.
    • Waste Management:
      • Need account credentials. Tom to contact Farkas.
    • Comcast:
      • Need invoices and credentials. Automatic payment and value doesn't go to RT. Dave to talk to Toba and Josh.
  • Derek needs to write membership e-mail about expiring points and making timely requests.
  • Ray to get business cards for Board members, and "generic" PS:One cards.
    • Ray will have drafts Wednesday, and has a price quote of $16-$24 per person.
  • Sevin may have a contact for a pro bono lawyer to work on reviewing our Bylaws.
    • Looks like the firm may be interested. Still looking to proceed.
  • Insurance. Ryan to contact our agent with questions.


  • Mail read: Doorman Dave's PEX card, and Shellie's PEX card dispute form
  • Membership Report:
    • Full Members: 114
    • Starving Hackers: 264
    • Total: 380
  • Tom gave financial report.
  • Member leaving reason report: None this week.
  • RT:
    • 2225: Justin needs PEX card reload.
    • 2214: PEX expense, Justin, move to QuickBooks.
    • 2210: Comcast, move to QuickBooks.
    • 2003: Shellie charge back. Sent letter. Will give to Shellie.
    • 2202: Same subject, merge with 2003.
    • 2197: Dean, cold metals reimbursement. Tom handling.
    • 2203: Moved to QuickBooks.
    • 2047: Still waiting for receipt for Dean.
    • 2024: Justin bought salt, resolved.
    • 2245: Redeem 2 member points for Derek.
    • 2234: Purchase SEM vacuum pump oil. Derek will purchase.
  • Trello: No changes.
  • New business:
    • New Area Host transitions:
      • Sevin will contact Michele and get info for her PEX card.
      • Tom already talked to Ron. Will contact to cancel their PayPal subscriptions.
      • Doorman Dave will look into Area Host list membership.
    • Costco business membership:
      • Requires business card, debit or credit card w/ company name on it, and our sales tax exemption form.
      • Purchases would need to be made with company debit card, or cash with a letter of authorization.
    • Transferred $10,000 from Checking to Savings.
    • Amended annual report with new Directors:
      • Ryan will contact Bry for info, and take care of this.
  • Old business:
    • Account delegation:
      • Chase
        • Need to make downtown trip with Derek. Will get Sevin a Chase card and add Ryan to account.
      • Waste Management and Comcast:
        • Making progress getting security questions from Steve.
    • Derek needs to write membership e-mail about expiring points and making timely requests.
      • Derek will do this after the member meeting.
    • Ray to get business cards for Board members, and "generic" PS:One cards.
      • Ray has these designed, but he needs contact info for each Board member.
    • Sevin may have a contact for a pro bono lawyer to work on reviewing our Bylaws.
      • Looks like the firm may be interested. Still looking to proceed.
    • Insurance. Ryan to contact our agent with questions.
      • Ryan will have this sent by next week.

Board meeting closed at: 7:36 PM.


  • None