Board Meeting Notes 2015-04-21

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2015-04-14 2015 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2015-04-28 >>

Meeting Start: 7:05 PM


  • Board Members
    • Derek
    • Sevin
    • Ryan
    • Tom
    • Ray
    • Jenny
    • Sheila
  • Other Members
    • Triano


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Check RT queue
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • review
  • check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
  • new business
  • old business

New Business

Old Business

  • Account delegation
    • Chase
      • Need to make downtown trip with Derek. Will get Sevin a Chase card and add Ryan to account.
    • Waste Management and Comcast:
      • Making progress getting security questions from Steve.
  • Ray to get business cards for Board members, and "generic" PS:One cards.
    • Ray has these designed, but he needs contact info for each Board member.
  • Sevin may have a contact for a pro bono lawyer to work on reviewing our Bylaws.
    • Looks like the firm may be interested.
    • Sevin to inquire with our original pro bono lawyer on scope of current engagement before engaging new pro bono counsel.
  • Insurance Review
    • Ryan sent e-mail to agent 3/3/15.
  • New Area Host transitions
    • Sevin working with Michelle.
  • Costco business membership
  • File amended annual report with new Directors:
    • Ryan will contact Bry for info, and take care of this.
  • Corliss Early College STEM High School requesting a group tour.
    • Requests CNC and NERP-like demo.
    • Board has approved this.


  • Mail read: Nothing of importance.
  • Membership Report:
    • Full Members: 114
    • Starving Hackers: 283
    • Total: 397
  • Financial Report given.
  • Member leaving reason report (1):
    • Hadn't made it in frequently, wants to return in a year or two.
  • RT
    • 2593, 2594 - Reimburse Triano. Working out issues with Concur. Done.
    • 2605 - Reimburse Dean from CNC Milling Machine vote. Done.
    • 2601 - Reimburse Bry for cake. Assigned to Derek to provide check.
    • 2572 - Reimburse member who hit subscribe button twice.
    • 2577 - Skilton will arrange for receiving the anvil as per the vote.
    • 2580 - 1 point to Will for making an enclosure for the TAZ 3D printer.
    • 2598 - 1 point to Jenny for hosting a movie night.
    • 2578 - Dave redeemed 2 member points for a dues discount.
    • 2603 - Lyn redeemed 1 member point as a status upgrade.
    • 2599 - Jenny redeemed 1 member point for a dues discount.
  • No Trello updates.
  • New Business
    • Insurance Review
      • Enacted 3 Board Policies (see Votes below).
      • Increased insurance coverage (see Votes below).
      • Voted to spend funds to install a security camera system (see Votes below).
      • The Board will examine data retention and access policies for the security camera system.
  • Old Business

Board meeting closed at: 8:05 PM


  • Board Policy on Animals enacted with 6 Yea, 0 Nay, 1 Recused.
  • Board Policy on Alcohol enacted with 7 Yea, 0 Nay.
  • Board Policy on Events enacted with 7 Yea, 0 Nay.
  • The Board votes to increase our business property insurance coverage from $24,000 to $77,850 at an approximate additional annual cost of $350 through our broker at T. A. Cummings Jr. Co., Inc. Passed 7 Yea, 0 Nay.
  • PS:One currently has $1 million general liability coverage and $1 million officers and directors liability coverage. The Board votes to add an additional $1 million umbrella coverage policy at an approximate annual cost of $700 through our broker at T. A. Cummings Jr. Co., Inc. Passed 7 Yea, 0 Nay.
  • The Board votes to spend up to $600 to install a security camera system and standalone digital video recorder to cover the front door, back door, and loading dock areas as negotiated with our insurance agent in order to meet the security system requirements imposed upon us by our insurance policy. Passed 7 Yea, 0 Nay.