Boosted Clubs

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Boosted Clubs are clubs that have met the criteria to receive additional support from the membership of Pumping Station: One. For a more detailed explanation see the Club Policy.

Boosted Clubs

Analog Game Night

Club Host: Will McShane

Come play games and make friends! Meets in the downstairs Lounge the second and fourth Saturday of every month at 7pm.

Boosts: Lounge storage, WILD Host

Cycle Station: One

Club Host: Eli Underhill-M

Repair bicycles, meet people, have fun. Meets in the General Area. Meetings as announced on the calendar.

Boosts: General Area space, WILD Host

Power Racing Team

Club Host: Andrew Camardella

Pumping Station: One's own PRS team. Meets in the General Area. Meetings as announced on the calendar.

Boosts: General Area space, WILD Host

Renegade Recycling

Club Host: Violet Lucas

Recycle disposable plastic and more. Meets in Cold Metals as announced on the calendar.

Area: Cold Metals

Boosts: WILD Host

TOOOL Chicago

Club Host: Lyn Coel

The Chicago chapter of The Open Organization of Lockpickers (TOOOL) meets at Pumping Station One the first Wednesday of every month at 8pm. We talk about locks, and the art of picking, opening, and bypassing physical security devices, with lots of hands on picking. Intro Classes are generally taught if we have several beginners.

Boosts: Lounge storage space, WILD Host