Front-Loading Kiln Vote 2024
Front-Loading Kiln Vote 2024
Front-Loading Kiln Vote 2024
Thomas Repasky
Osi Van Dessel
Sam Abrahamson (Sammy Abe)
Drew Reynolds
Ian Sampson
Vote Results
Quorum:[ ] Yea Votes: [ ] Nay Votes: [ ] Present or Abstain: [ ]
Definition of "Language"
"The wording of a legal document." []
Proposal Date
Date this proposal was posted to the membership and a request for a vote date was sent to the Board.
Member Input
Does the Sponsor choose to open the language of the vote for changes due to member input? (optional and can be modified at any time)
[ ] YES [ ] NO
Vote Announcement and Beginning Date of the Discussion Period
The announcement date of the vote proposal is the beginning date of the seven-day (minimum) posting and Member discussion period. (Certain exceptional vote types have longer discussion periods. Check the Bylaws if you are unsure.) If the Sponsor has chosen to include member input, suggested edits can be made in a shared document or other collaborative vehicle until the language is locked. The sponsor can stop taking suggestions at any time.
Language Lock Date and Start of Voting
Five days prior to the Day of the Vote, the vote language is locked, all edits are frozen, and the language of the vote is converted to a pdf file. Ballots that include the pdf are sent to the Membership, and electronic voting begins. Note that the minimum discussion period of seven days leaves only two days for changes before the lock takes place.
Day of the Vote
Date the Board has assigned for the vote. The Day of the Vote is the day the vote closes.
As we grow the small metal area we want to encourage more group activities which require more space in order to accommodate everyone’s ceramic parts. Our current method of piecemeal firings is slow and creates long queue times which is detrimental to people learning the craft. The kilns we have are older, inefficient and limited in size and capacity. In the recent past we’ve had parts fail in the kiln and issues with our temperature control. A larger professional grade kiln would increase the ability of members to do larger projects, encourage members to take part, and draw more members to the space. Larger kilns are also typically front loading which is safer and easier to use compared to our current top loaders. Brand new kilns are very expensive. The opportunity to purchase a used kiln has presented itself. The model that is for sale is an L & L EL2436 for $4900 . The price for a new one is $23,840 (before tax). This kiln would be much larger (2’ x 2’ x 3’ of internal space), more dependable, allow for better temperature control, and fire to hotter temperatures regularly (2350F, cone 10 in ceramics).
Cone 10 (Why it’s good and hard to find) Cones are temperatures that ceramics are fired to. Cone 10 is the standard for functional ware because this high temperature firing generally makes clay almost completely impermeable to water. Most smaller and hobbyist kilns cannot reach cone 10. Even mid range kilns which claim they can reach cone 10 are often not designed to do so on a regular basis. This kiln is designed for it. It has thicker fire brick (better insulation allows temps to rise more easily) and more power density. Reaching cone 10 will allow us to make more durable work for everyday use (bowls, mugs, plates, etc.). This over-design also means that the kiln will stand up better to the abuse a makerspace inevitably puts on equipment.
Small metals currently has three small kilns. Up to two of them could be removed and possibly sold, freeing up space and slightly offsetting the cost of purchase. There is room for this kiln under the hood in the small metals area. The seller has already been contacted by the area host about the possibility of purchase and a meeting happened on 03/10/2024. The seller is willing to wait the 7 days required from posting of a vote proposal until the vote occurs.
Brand new kiln :
Used kiln:
Purchase a large used kiln for small metals.
Language of the Vote
Authorize the board to spend up to $5,880 ($4,900 + 20%) to purchase the used EL2436 kiln, cover taxes (if applicable), and pay for 3-phase wiring.