Meeting Notes 2015-10-20

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Meeting Minutes
<< Meeting Notes 2015-10-13 2015 Meetings Meeting Notes 2015-10-27 >>


  • Intro to PS1 and what we're about.
  • Let new members and visitors intro themselves.
  • Pick 2 random people to introduce themselves.
  • Introduce the Board and Area Hosts
  • Go over things that need doing around the space.
  • Awesome call outs
  • Tell me about What You Hack
  • Announcements
  • Questions
  • Votes


Intro to PS1



New People

New People (name - where did you hear about us - what do you make/hack)

Lots of people today! :)

  • Brian, via Peter. Electronics stuff with Arduinos and things
  • Peter, via internet! Software, 3d printers, mfctr things. visited workshop88 too
  • Samuel, via friend Kelvin, makes circus equipment! trapeze bars, high tech juggling
  • Jonas, via web, kinetic sculptures..
  • Evan, via meetup, 3d printing and etc.
  • Michael, via google, dabbling with arduino, electronics, linux, etc.
  • Will, via web, he was searching for a place like invention studeo at Georgia Tech. has used arduinos, and likes to have moving parts
  • Paul, via meetup, also kinetic sculptures, artificial muscles

Board and Area Hosts


Two Random Members

Lyn, found the space by searching for a place for 3d prints. makes crafty stuff, computer programs, electronic doodads, laser cut stuff, wood stuff.

Eric, found the space because he ent to HOPE conference 2006, and he wanted to be in a hackerspace! because nerd clubhouse! searched for hackerspace and found us and never left.

Things that need doing around the space

  • Paint things on the walls, like the mission, a mural, corvids
  • Need a wiki page for the CCTV
  • Participate in meeting on the etherpad

Awesome Callouts

  • Andrew for fixing makerbot
  • Brian for meeting with the accountant and doing a lot of work on finances
  • Jason for fixing table saw

What have you been hacking

  • Lyn took some poker chips and hotglued them to make a pencil holder
  • Shae recently finimshed enjoying very fine results for a cat box (PICS required with runningahackerspace caption!!!!!)
  • Arturo mp3 android offline underwater spotify music player... water got in the waterproof case. learned fun with waterlogged phone.

Suggestion from audience: build hydrophone?


  • General Area Host is vacant, accepting applications. email
  • Volunteer authorizors openings are being accepted for cnc, machine shop, woodshop
  • PYOO python office hours Wednesday, 7 to 9
  • Board meetings are 1st and 3rd Tuesdays now.
  • Remember to get your IDs checked before using the space or getting authorized.
  • Analog Game Night is Saturday starting at 5pm until end
  • Next following Saturday 10/31 (Halloween!) is digital game night, starting 8pm


  • Any woodshop authorizers available tonight and/or some time this week? (yes)
  • Hot metals authorizer tonight? (yes)

Volunteer to run a tour: Ron. Yay. Thanks Ron.


For extended discussions, we'll take stack and borrow from MIBS Rules#Meeting Procedures.

2015 Secretary Replacement



  • Tom Judge: 2
  • Lyn Cole: 31
  • Steve Reese: 1
  • Abstain: 4

22 proxy votes

Vote to Buy A New Router Table

Quorum Required: 37


23 proxy votes 16 present 39, meets quorum


  • Attendance:
  • For: 36
  • Against: 0
  • Abstain: 2