Vote to Explore New Locations for Pumping Station: One
- Nicholas Prorok
- John Papiewski
Google Groups Announcement: 3/5/2020
Vote submitted to board: 3/11/2020
Board Refusal to Post Vote Announcement: 3/12/2020
Vote Rewritten and Submitted to Board: 3/12/2020
Vote Rewritten and Submitted to Board: 3/15/2020
Mailing List Announcement: TBD
Officially Proposed: TBD
Language Locked: TBD
To be voted on: TBD
3rd Draft
Members have expressed concern over possible hazardous conditions at Pumping Station: One. It is important that all the members and anyone who enters Pumping Station: One is not exposed to unnecessary harm. The ventilation in the CNC room is inadequate. Members use volatile organic compounds and other hazardous chemicals without proper ventilation. The wood shop is right next to the hot metals area. These are all things that are a concern and their safety should be investigated. We should make sure that Pumping Station: One provides the safest environment possible for its members. This vote is to start in motion a clean up of Pumping Station: One and if necessary, to explore the possibility of finding a new location that is better suited for the activities of the members.
Vote Language
We establish the project "Pumping Station: One Point One". The scope of this project is to provide the membership with a working environment that is free of unnecessary hazards, by either identifying and fixing any hazardous conditions in the building we currently occupy or, if necessary, relocating to a building that meets the needs of the members and their activities.
We choose to hire Nicholas Prorok as the Project Manager of "Pumping Station: One Point One", who will create a project charter, identify goals, track expenses, organize volunteers and hire contractors. The project manager will provide periodic reports to the board. The project manager will consult with the membership, area hosts, board and committees when appropriate.