BK Precision Sweep Function Generator

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BK Precision Sweep Function Generator
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Make/Model Bk 4003A Precision Sweep Function Generator
Arrival Date 11/2015
Usability yes
Contact Electronics Area Host
Where Electronics Lab
Authorization Needed none
Hackable no
Estimated Value $350
Host Area Electronics

BK Precision Sweep Function Generator Area: Electronics https://ps1.mywikis.wiki/wiki/BK_Precision_Sweep_Function_Generator


BK Precision 4003A Users Manuel

File:400xA manual.pdf

4003A are 4 MHz sweep function generators. The sweep function offers linear or log sweep with variable sweep rates and widths. The model 4003A includes a 20 MHz 5-digit external frequency counter.

   Generates Sine, Triangle, and Square waveforms from 0.5 Hz to 4 MHz
   Generates Ramp and ±Pulse waveforms from 0.5 Hz to 3.5 MHz
   20 Vpp output into open circuit (10 Vpp into 50Ω)
   Lin or Log Sweep Function
   TTL output
   Adjustable ±10 V DC offset
   Variable amplitude output plus 20 dB attenuator
   20 MHz frequency counter
   5-digit LED display
   CMOS variable output
   Voltage Controlled Frequency (VCF) input

cables are located in the oscilloscope probe bin with the hand tools