Beer 2012.04

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  • Style: Doppelbock
  • Codename: Doppelbock
  • Brewmaster: Eric Stein
  • Type: All-grain
  • Initial Gravity: 1.067
  • Final Gravity: ?
  • ABV: ?
  • Brewed: 12/3/2012
  • Kegged: 1/9/2013
  • First served: 1/13/2013
  • Last served: 1/22/2013 (yeah, that went fast - tasty!)


Doppelbock ABV: ~7.2% Brewmaster: Eric Stein Team: Ken Johnson, Andy Pace, Alfredo Castil Tastes like the "all the malts" that it is. A solid doppelbock that fits the style like a glove.

Brew Participants

  • Eric Stein
  • Ken Johnson
  • Andy Pace
  • Fredo


Based on but the guys at Brew & Grow had a bunch of advice. I went and forgot half of the things, and didn't write things down the way I should have. Nuts!


Grain Bill (Partial, there was some other stuff...)

  • German Munich
  • ...

The leftovers and the receipt are in the brewing cabinet in a bag labelled 'Dopp'. Figure it out.

Mash Schedule:

  • ...






  • Primary ferment: Glass Carboy
  • Pitched ?
  • Ferment temp set point: 48F, it was turned up to 60 for the last week.
  • Oxygenated with wand


  • Kegged on 1/9/2013
  • Final Gravity ? - did not measure

Tasting Notes

Amazing. Easily our best beer yet. Having not just tasted any, all I can say is it's as good a doppelbock as I've ever had, and outshines shiner bock, anyway.


We bottled 3 bottles of this for later.