Board Meeting Notes 2014-03-25

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2014-03-18 2014 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2014-04-01 >>

Meeting Start: 19:00


  • Board Members
    • Steve
    • Adam
    • Jay
    • Noonie
    • Everett
    • Bry
    • Hef
    • Derek
  • Other Members
    • Lyn
    • Patrick


  • Read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Check the inbox.
  • Review important financials tasks in Trello board.
  • Check talk page for board meeting notes.
  • New business
  • Old business
  • Work on things (Trello or otherwise.)

Trello things

  • Trello Financials
    • categorize historical transactions in QB -
    • audit status
    • Create Budget - meeting is coming up
    • simple expense report - no progress
    • reimburse greg - rolling into 2014 budget
    • $80 for power hour - paid
    • Laser loan info - Cancel ACH Payments - information obtained, payments cancelled
    • Regular Bookkeeping - no progress
    • Checks for all transactions - not doing
    • New checks - ordered
    • Area host cards - no progress
    • Vote to renew quickbooks - VOTED
  • Cash members report.

New Business

  • Discuss V&G prep (see "discussion" page for more info)

Old Business



  • Mail - Comcast bill is already paid
  • Trello Financials
  • Talk about cash members
  • Donate member points to SSH:C's indiegogo campaign?
  • Board meeting closes at 7:30
  • Meeting adjourns at 7:50


  • $425 to renew Quickbooks Online through the end of the year. All present board votes in favor.
  • Donate 20 member points to SSH:C's indiegogo campaign. 6 yes, 2 present.

Membership Report

  • Full: 100
  • Starving: 227
  • Friend: 1