Board Meeting Notes 2013-04-16

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2013-04-09 2013 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2013-04-23 >>

Meeting start: 7:10


Board Members

  • Eric
  • bry
  • hailey
  • josh
  • adam
  • ed
  • farkas

Other Members

  • Dillon
  • finkelman
  • tim
  • janet
  • derek (visitor)
  • matt t (visitor)


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check the inbox weekly.
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.

New Business

  • Can we make the minutes more detailed? Some people can't make it and want to know what actually happened. Obviously not applying to private information.
  • Comment from member leaving: Signing up for laser cutter. (Bry)
  • Comment from member leaving: Metalworking machines in better working order. (Bry)
  • We interested in Jake Rathburn, living room concert extraordinare? (Bry)

Old Business

  • Kitchen build out. What were we planning on discussing about this that we didn’t get a chance to last week?
  • Audit status/ Status of repayments / New historical books (Indiana Steve)
  • Status of money owed by the old landlord. (Tim). Eric will request update on this.
  • Wiki status: Migration, Backups? (Josh) - Eric, Steve, and Josh have been talking to Singlehop about getting us a cheaper deal on a decent VPS. Any progress?
  • Get all of the tax returns from School Factory (Eric)
  • PS:1 has been stolen and is being passed off as another thing now.
    • Sacha said he will be talking to her. Any word on that yet?
  • Electrician to fix not-up-to-code issues. How much can we spend on this? It's (in Eric's opinion) a pre-requisite to doing shop improvements including putting up walls for specific areas. Eric can negotiate with the electrician, bring quote back to the board.
    • Board generally approves this. Eric will come back with proper quote (Eric).


  • Change our address everywhere (List of places here:
  • inventory and ownership status of old landlord's stuff left on our side.
  • Check in with Area hosts about their ideas for the tool certification process at their next meeting. (Tim)
  • information fragmentation (wiki, gdocs, calendars, dropbox, mailing lists)
  • move the annual meeting to december in the bylaws.
  • Dwolla as a payment option? Some people hate paypal enough to not join. Don't do this if you can't set up a subscription in it.
  • Go over the "Things the next board should deal with" list from the meeting of the 15th, it has a lot of stuff we have to be aware of.


  • in the next couple days josh will be getting donations of hardware from his work to improve our IT infrastructure
  • cleaning committee: bry buying supplies tonight- committee is still working out logistics of cleaning sched
  • area host meeting: hailey will work on this week
  • Eric read jesse's safe space proposal out loud - we gave ourselves homework to comment on the googledoc
  • we argued about noobs paradise- whether or not we should worry about it being required or it needs the boards involvement at all
  • ed says pick and place group keeps going on despite Jeff's departure
  • kitchen build- we need a waterwall (fire resistant and no exposed piping) we have updated measurements, there will soon be a vote proposal
  • Ed and tim discuss disposing hazardous materials

  • Membership Report -
    • Full Members:
    • Starving Hacker:
    • Friends of PS1:
    • Total:

Meeting end: 8:00