Board Meeting Notes 2013-04-23

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2013-04-16 2013 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2013-04-30 >>

Meeting start: 7:08


Board Members

  • Eric
  • Bry
  • Hailey
  • Farkas
  • Josh
  • Adam
  • Ed

Other Members

  • The meeting was held upstairs, tons of members were coming in and out, too many to list.


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check the inbox weekly.
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.

New Business

Old Business

  • Audit status/ Status of repayments / New historical books (Indiana Steve)
  • Wiki status: Migration, Backups? (Josh) - Eric, Steve, and Josh have been talking to Singlehop about getting us a cheaper deal on a decent VPS. Any progress? New servers are in place at PS1.
  • Get all of the tax returns from School Factory (Eric)
  • PS:1 has been stolen and is being passed off as another thing now.
    • Sacha said he will be talking to her. Any word on that yet?
  • Electrician to fix not-up-to-code issues. How much can we spend on this? It's (in Eric's opinion) a pre-requisite to doing shop improvements including putting up walls for specific areas. Eric can negotiate with the electrician, bring quote back to the board.
    • Board generally approves this. Eric will come back with proper quote (Eric). He's working on the TODO list at 3519 Electrical Work.


  • Status of money owed by the old landlord. (Tim). Eric will request update on this.
  • information fragmentation (wiki, gdocs, calendars, dropbox, mailing lists)
  • move the annual meeting to december in the bylaws.
  • Go over the "Things the next board should deal with" list from the meeting of the 15th, it has a lot of stuff we have to be aware of.


The notes look weird today because Josh started taking notes for Hailey while she was busy counting proxy votes


7:08 Meeting started late because Eric

7:09 Bry is angry about pink eye

7:11 Ed: Can ps1 host event about product development? (PDMA)

7:12 Steve is now present


Adam is now present

PDMA conversation continues Wants to host at ps1 near end of summer or O'neils PS1 involvment in some fashion Decieded to talk with involved people, next Tues after public meeting (9pm)


Regular meeting starts

Mail checking begins: Payment + AmSci catalog

Trello board:

 No progress on most tasks
 Server aquisistion completed per Josh
 No complaints on list
 Amazon payments: waitng on james
 School Factory reporting complete
 Jesse emailed for new update on safe space w/ previous feedback
 Assigned business credit report for ps1


New business! Financial report:

 Everything good! Money! Yay! 
 Report now includes loans and things, revenues over expeditures, etc
 Made more money than spent
 At about 5mo cushion


Hailey starts taking minutes that this point

  • Bryanna- Jake Rathburn- he sent an email to us- he does living room concerts. we say no.
  • mini maker fair- do we want a table- we're going to pass that on to the mailing lists and if any members are into it they can do it
  • 3d printing experience- they opened today- eric walked by- we should start talking with them and have a back and forth
  • eric has been getting emails from people wanting us to forward job postings to our members. thinks maybe we should charge for that. josh thinks it should be a physical board
  • all present board members vote in favor of purchasing two eyewash bottles for the space
  • reimbursing ed for waste disposal - 5 board members vote yes, steve abstains jesse not here
  • reimbursing eric for vacuum filter- 5 of us vote yes, adam abstains, jesse not here
  • c2e2 $900 - we're not going to do it
  • adam announced that we made it into the tribune, timeout and timeout kids from last week.
  • rooftop art installation- police visited - it was fine, they thought we were being robbed, eric told them that we weren't being robbed.
  • actually got to the backburner
  • tim and eric argue about who is going to sue the old landlord. we need to do it soon
  • we have changed our address everywhere we can think of
  • Membership Report -
    • Full Members: 68
    • Starving Hacker: 127
    • Friends of PS1: 2
    • Total: 197

Meeting end: 8:00