Board Meeting Notes 2013-11-05

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Board Meeting Minutes
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Meeting start: 7:07 pm


Board Members

  • Bry
  • Hailey
  • Farkas
  • Josh
  • Jesse
  • Adam
  • Ed

Other Members


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check the inbox weekly.
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • review
  • check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
  • new business
  • old business
  • go over Trello

New Business

Old Business


  • Status of money owed by the old landlord. (Eric). We are working on sending information to a separate attorney.


  • read mail
  • went over finacial report
  • member leaving report
    • relocated
    • time issues
  • Trello To Do
    • equiptment loan agreement
      • no progress
    • tool cage area host applications
      • Bry is going to forge on it- never heard back from geoffrey
    • spend up to $100 of fire extinguisher mounting stuff
      • working on it
    • talk to sacha about meetup problems
      • bry hasn't heard back from sacha yet
    • buy Bry's list of cleaning supplies
      • we voted last week to buy them- bry hasnt purchased yet
    • solve the "i need to give steve a reciept" problem
      • josh is working on an onsite scanning thing for the space
    • Buy shelves for supplies?
      • we have them
    • make sure Z fixed the mill donation paperwork
      • Hailey crossed out that the copies were for the secretary and gave them back to Z, but they still say PS1 all over them.
      • Z made new form without the PS1 name on it
    • think about putting a hint about member points when people leave for financial reasons
    • research secondary ISP prices
      • Josh researched comcast
      • we discussed for a long time the benefits of having two services, a different service entirely, or a better service from atmosphere
    • sue the old landlord
      • no progress
    • non paypal people tracked properly in Zoho?
    • approve $80 for food for Bry's power hour
    • space heater for lounge?
    • Approve Derek, Hef, Everett, Kevin, Kathryn Friesema for a member point. We sat and did data entry for 5-8 hours.
  • Trello Doing
    • google voice account for treasurer
      • done
    • get accounting software and use it
      • we are doing that big time
      • bry spent 9 hours inputting on saturday- all data in spreadsheets- working on importing
    • limited amount cards for area hosts
      • no progress
    • fix address on liability waiver
      • no progress
    • audit status
      • this is dependent on quickbooks- working on importing data
    • special projects que on wiki
      • no progress
    • flourish paperwork
      • bry needs tax info from Steve
    • get building electrical systems to a good state
      • ongoing work has been getting done by members
    • liability insurance review
      • no progress
    • corporate filings
      • dependent on quickbook/audit
    • haskai llc can't be registered at our address
      • Ed emailed him and got no response
  • Trello Done
    • member point for Dee and Dan Lockes and Skilton
    • wrote soul binding agreement for Tucker


  • Award derek, hef, everett, and kathyn F two member point each for helping with data entry - present board votes unanimously in favor
  • authorize up to $80 for food for Bry's power hour - present board votes unanimously in favor
  • present board (minus bry who abstained) voted unanimously to award bry one membership point for working on quickbooks for 14 hrs this weekend, which is not her job as VP
  • Membership Report -
    • Full Members: 91
    • Starving Hacker: 181
    • Friends of PS1: 1
    • Total: 273

Meeting end: 7:49