Board Meeting Notes 2019-09-03

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2019-08-20 2019 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2019-09-17 >>

Meeting Start:


  • Board Members
    • Andrew
    • Jennie
    • Molly
    • Ese
    • Alisha
  • Other Members
    • Joe
    • Mike T.
    • Ron
    • Erik


  • Check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
  • Consent Agenda
  • Committee Reports
    • MMT
  • Read mail
  • Freshdesk
  • Financial/membership report
    • PEX:
    • Chase Savings:
    • Chase Checking:
    • Paypal:

Notes: paid appr.

    • Total Members:
    • Members w/ Storage:
    • Members:
    • Quorum:
  • Review the PayPal and banking transactions
  • Member leaving reason reports
  • Check Freshdesk Queue
  • Member Points Review
    • N/A as of 9/02
  • New business
    • Vice President Resignation (effective 09/07)
      • Request to maintain limited WA Access for ID checks
      • Request for PS1 email to continue outreach regarding scholarships
      • Be deputized to continue to red-ticket improperly stored items
      • Touch base with Sky about off-boarding sensitive technical access
      • Discuss membership survey (and working with a remaining Board member)
    • Welding workshop payment reimbursement status
    • Understanding budget sheets - treasurer training?
    • Work in Lieu of Dues memberships for Board members?
    • Space Documentation Project
    • On-Boarding & Off-Boarding
    • Possible Internships

  • Old business
    • Board Job Descriptions
    • Safety & Operations Team Formation
    • Area Host Survey
    • Financial Transparency


Discussion on previous minutes


Notes by Alisha C. in Kathryn's Absence.

Pass consent agenda--only meeting minutes from last week. -Passed

DRC Update--No open cases and clarifying roles. Will bring questions to Board.

Freshdesk--Welding Workshop payments. Provide financial payment rather than credit repayment schedule (need to confirm amount.)

Phishing scam email--Received email about our nfp status that was suspect.

Member Leaving Report-- Someone moved. Someone disappointed at the state of the 3D printers.

We have a new 3D Area Host now, so hopefully that Area will have more maintenance.

Vice President resigning, but would like to continue volunteering.

Vote to allow Alisha to continue ID checks. Passed (Alisha abstained)

Vote to allow Alisha to have a PS1 email ( Passed (Alisha abstained)

Membership Survey--MMT, Have Nick talk to Alisha and Adam about previous survey.

Have VP Reelection at same time as General Election. If anyone is interested in an interim role, let the Board know.

Auto-email updates for budget are not accurate.

Ese would like to know how much budget he has left. Jennie will check (preface with "not much.")

Ese says project hours has been pretty cool. People are getting engaged. Food motivation is good.

MMT--Joe Report Two meetings since we've lasted talked to Joe. Moving along well on a bunch of Projects. Nick helping with Project Hours. Max assisting with Treasurer things. (Waiting on help from Jennie. Need to find time to go to Chase Bank during business hours.) Patience & Nick (?) working on new member pamphlet. Looks good, need to get to PDF. Daniel has been chewing away on WA api and has test instances to get connection between Canvas and WA connected. Quick task to create integrations to link all authorizations to canvas courses. Alex has been working on Wild Apricot courses for all authorizations.

Freshdesk--member of the public interested in buying a gift membership.

Board needs to clarify how that would work. There are likely multiple routes.

End of MMT Report.

Work in lieu of dues--Andrew will have a draft vote for the Board meeting. Email clarifies lawyer recommendations for work in lieu of dues for the Board. Board determines member dues.

Area Host survey went out. Have already received some responses. Safety team--Andrew: there are a bunch of things that are documentation-related that could go to a separate documentation team.

Financial Transparency--Trying to do a quarterly report. Potentially for open meeting. (Directed at the Board, but all members welcome.)

Mike T. is interested in helping with Fundraising. Will contact Treasurer.

A potential member also has fund-raising experience and has worked with the rebuilding exchange.

Meeting Adjourned

*MEETING MINUTES (08/20/19):

  • Scholarship stuff – 2 people: quarterly. Both approved.
  • Establish a minimum, minimum hours, tasks, reporting, etc.
  • Safety work & General, Pan-area
  • Safety Policy needs to be written soon
  • “The Red Ticket Machine” – what it is and how it works.
  • Final review Alcohol and Substance Use Policy. Made some tweaks.
    • Discretionary Funds: changing the terms from "general" to "discretionary."
  • Vote to create Alcohol and Substance Use Policy
  • Vote to remove old instances of alcohol policy
  • The job description project: all board members need to write or approve. Area Host document needs review, need input from more area hosts.
  • Closed meeting from 7:45 to - 8:00