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2 board members as a team do the following:
Print this page. From the Vault get keys and labeled envelops and a new blank one. Walk around the space, collect cash from each box, put in corresponding envelope. Take to a table to sort.
Create a new RT ticket titled: “Cash from boxes 7/18/2017”. Put it in the correct queue. (Treasury? Member Payments?)
The dropbox in the safe should only have member dues in envelopes, but people do strange things, try to figure out what to do with the other stuff. The envelopes should have a member name, date, membership level, amount of money written on the outside of the envelope.
Verify the amount on envelope agrees with amount in envelope, Enter into RT description: member name, date, membership level, amount of money Put cash in blank envelope.
For each area envelopes:
count cash write total in slot below put the cash in the blank envelope.
Add up all the totals, write that in the Total blank. Count all the cash in the blank envelope, verify the two are equal.
Put the cash back in the envelope. Give it to someone who will deposit it
Put the keys and labeled envelopes back in the vault.
1 Safe ___________
2 CNC ___________
3 Kitchen ___________
4 Hot Metals ___________
5 Cold Metals ___________
6 Small Metals ___________
7 Electronics __________
Total ___________