DoAll Drill Press

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DoAll Drill Press
Owner/Loaner Dillon Gray
Serial Number 58-333
Make/Model 58-51
Arrival Date 2012
Usability no
Contact Dean Anderson
Where not in shop
Authorization Needed yes
Hackable no
Estimated Value $800
Host Area {{{hostarea}}}

DoAll Drill Press Dillon Gray Area: {{{hostarea}}}

Removed from service. This Doall model appears to be a rebadged Wilton 5816.


During an auth, Everett noticed significant wobble in the chuck -- enough to make it unusable. Ron Bean fixed by replacing the chuck on 5/15/15.


Derek added a tachometer/DRO. Patches welcome.

List of Currently Authorized Users

Qualified Member Trained By
Dillon Gray Dillon Gray
Eric Stein Steven Finkelman
Ryan Pierce Mike Warot
Larry Thorpe Mike Warot
Tucker Tomlinson Steve Finkelman
Charlie Stauffer Tucker Tomlinson
Michael Skilton Tucker Tomlinson
Dee Newcum Tucker Tomlinson
David Fell Tucker Tomlinson
Everett Wilson Michael Skilton
Rhett Rozga Dillon Gray
Greg Teiber Steven Finkelman
Jason Shanfield Ed Bennett
Justin T. Conroy Ed Bennett
Bryan Gleason Dillon Gray
Dan Locks Dillon Gray
Sloan Lavery Ed Bennett
Casey Olson Ed Bennett
Todd Allen Ed Bennett
David Morton Ed Bennett
Thomas Wright Ed Bennett
George Shaw Thomas Wright
Rich Smith Thomas Wright
Tom Forajter Thomas Wright
Tyler Natoli Ed Bennett
Michael Leinartas Ed Bennett
Kyle Bieneman Todd Allen
Scott Little Todd Allen
RJ Metzger Todd Allen
Giovanni Arroyo Todd Allen
Joao Santos Todd Allen
Nicholas Haldereman Todd Allen
Doorman Dave Todd Allen
Stephen Ioannou Todd Allen
Lucas Goossen Todd Allen
Roger Moore Todd Allen
Matt Wilkens Todd Allen
Rhonda Jackson Todd Allen
Matt Meshulam Todd Allen
Kevin Pulver Todd Allen
Andrew Camardella Todd Allen
Mike Coriale Todd Allen
Nick Naro Todd Allen
John Farmer Todd Allen
Jay Pee Todd Allen
Sam Paris Todd Allen
Jake Rush Todd Allen
Carolyn Ignacio Todd Allen
Andrew Sowa Todd Allen
Hilary Lee Todd Allen
Eric Slehofer Todd Allen
Sam Reicks Todd Allen
Tyler Matthew Todd Allen
Ben Bogler Todd Allen
Brittany Krawczyk Todd Allen
Cary Lahucik Todd Allen
Eric Yu Todd Allen
Davis Mazariegos Todd Allen
Dan Baltudis Todd Allen
Ryan Taylor Everett Wilson
Andy Richardson Everett Wilson
David Srebro Todd Allen
Shae Kurko Todd Allen
Glenn Powers Todd Allen
Ryan Neuman Everett Wilson
Jeff Lawson Ron Olson
James Villalpando Ron Olson
Pericles Tsellos Todd Allen 14JUN2015
Hunter Koerner Todd Allen 6/14/15
Erik Wessing Todd Allen
Eric Reusche Todd Allen
Raj Perera Todd Allen 6/14/15
Jim Baker Todd Allen
Kevin Sampson Todd Allen 7/22/15
Tom Boeman Todd Allen 8/30/15
Jonathan Levine Todd Allen 9/23/15
Alejandro Drexler Todd Allen 9/23/15
Niko Hawley Todd Allen
Will Alt Todd Allen 10/28/15
Peter Letscher Todd Allen 10/28/15
Aaron Carlock Todd Allen 11/18/15
Jennie P Todd Allen 11/18/15
Kurt Ziegel Todd Allen 11/18/15
Mike Forkan Todd Allen 11/18/15
Elizabeth Arundel Todd Allen 10/28/15
Jean Michel Crettaz Todd Allen
Lauren Svedman Michael Patton 1/06/16
Bruce McConachie Michael Patton 1/10/16
Andrew Dalesandro Michael Patton 1/10/16
Tony Johnson Michael Patton 1/10/16
Brandon Love Michael Patton 1/27/16
Adam Stafford Michael Patton 4/17/16
Ian Monroe Michael Patton 6/29/16
Joe Iklov Michael Patton 6/29/16
Jim Brink Michael Patton 6/29/16
Frank Bowles Michael Patton 6/29/16
Eugene Liokumovich Michael Patton
Sam Olendorf Michael Patton
Brian Cuocci Michael Patton 10/5/16
Jon Komperda Dean Anderson 11/6/16
Chris Ruhland Michael Patton 11/7/16
Ashish Jasani Michael Patton 11/7/16
Abel Greenwald Michael Patton
Matthew Quigley Michael Patton
Andrew Wingate Todd Allen 7/17/17
Alex Berkowitz Sam Olendorf
Francisco Becerril Sam Olendorf
Jeff Benning Sam Olendorf 7-11-18