Meeting Notes 2016-02-16

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Meeting Minutes
<< Meeting Notes 2016-02-09 2016 Meetings Meeting Notes 2016-02-23 >>


  • Intro to PS1 and what we're about.
  • Let new members and visitors intro themselves.
  • Pick 2 random people to introduce themselves.
  • Introduce the Board and Area Hosts
  • Go over things that need doing around the space.
  • Awesome call outs
  • Tell me about What You Hack
  • Announcements
  • Questions
  • Votes
  • Tour

For extended discussions, we may take stack and borrow from MIBS Rules#Meeting Procedures.


Intro to PS1



New People

New People (name - where did you hear about us - what do you make/hack)

  • Jeremy | Works with light & wants a space to work found out about us online searchung hackerspaces
  • Sarah | spins yarn, looking at different hackerspaces |
  • Jen | Librarian |
    • Jen & sarah are librarians, looking to make a hackerspace in their library in Wheeling
  • Alex | crafting & 3d printing, looking to expand to woodworking, metal etc. | was looking for
  • Zach | art, metal, computer vision |
  • Todd | Code | Found us on hackaday
  • Keith | handy, sheet metal, plumber, made a new furnace, rewired own house | found us through meetups
  • Gretchen | artist, teaching herself to code, with goal of masters in CS | learned about through a friend
  • Spencer | professional watchmaker, want to do more prototyping and fabrication | heard from a friend
  • Mike | Woodworking | heard about us from a coworker

Board and Area Hosts

  • Justin - President
  • Jennie - Vice-President
  • Lyn - Director-at-large & Director of fun
  • Simon - Secretary
  • Doorman Dave - CTO
  • Anna - electronics area host
  • Erik - general area host
  • Ron - hot metals area host

Two Random Members

  • Jay | joined 5 years ago, background in medical electronics | found us on the internet
  • Jennie | work on car in loading dock, will take her to art car gatherings when done, woodshop work | heard about us through internet, looking for a place to use wood tools

Things that need doing around the space

  • Take out the trash - if you see a full trashcan, empty it
  • Empty the dust collector
  • Shovel the snow

Awesome Callouts

  • Thanks to the snow shovelers
  • Lyn for hosting anti-valentine's day party
  • Shelly hosted chocolate workshop[
  • Everett salted sidewalk
  • Ananda was on panel at Musecon

What have you been hacking

  • Dave made awesome cheddar broccoli soup
  • Lyn made the fifth iteration of her band loom cellphone cover
  • Shelly succeeded in tempering chocolate on Friday


  • Tomorrow night - bike night
  • SIGBOT - robot night on Thursday night
  • February 27: Curry night! 3pm - 4:30
    • “Buccaneers Galley” Japanese Style Brown Curry with Spoons, AKA Gerald Gayares: Saturday, February 27. 3pm-4:30pm for the demo with feasting of the various batches till the food store be run dry! Green tea sprouted brown rice will be topped with beef, chicken, or vegetarian curry options. Spoons an’ Pickles’ll be prepping for the event about noon. Feel free to spy on us and get some real experience. (swab the dishes ye’ land lubber!)
  • Ryan proposing vote about donating Scanning Electron Microscope to Analytics Lounge
    • Analytics Lounge is a new 501(c)3 focused on science equipment accessible to the public
  • Tax talk tomorrow night @ Chicago Artist's Coalition [[1]]
    • Also check out your public library - they should have handout about tax resources
  • New committee formed to review and revise bylaws
    • Lyn is leading the search to chair this committee
    • If you are interested in chairing or being part of the committee, email


  • Is it okay to bring food to share at the space?
    • Yes, please.
    • And there is a kitchen here

Questions from librarians setting up their own space

  • How do authorizations work?
    • Authorizations are run by volunteers, varies by tool
    • Information is on the wiki page
    • Does authorization discourage usage?
      • It's necessary to avoid damaging the tool or the user, and things are difficult to use without some orientation
  • Are there rules about profiting off of projects?
    • Nope - many members run their own small businesses out of this space
    • But this is a volunteer-run space and tools break - if you are depending on a machine to work for your work, it may not always be working
  • How is this all funded?
    • Completely funded by member dues - currently 376 members
    • Repairing our own equipment keeps costs down
  • Are non-members welcome in the space?
    • Need a member to host you as a guest. In general, you need to be a member to be in the space.
  • How can I teach a class?
    • Gauge interest in a class on the list,
    • pick a date that works for you,
    • announce on the list,
    • add to calendar & meetup
    • [Events]



Who wants to give a tour?