Meeting Notes 2017-01-10

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Meeting Minutes
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  • Intro to PS1 and what we're about.
  • Let new members and visitors intro themselves.
  • Pick 2 random people to introduce themselves.
  • Introduce the Board and Area Hosts
  • Go over things that need doing around the space.
  • Awesome call outs
  • Tell me about What You Hack
  • Announcements
  • Questions
  • Votes
  • Tour

For extended discussions, we may take stack and borrow from MIBS Rules#Meeting Procedures.


Intro to PS1



New People

New People (name - where did you hear about us - what do you make/hack)

  • Joanna | brought by a Sam & Gene
  • Found us through meetup | Retro NES project
  • Brian | found us while working at Catalyze | industrial designer, furniture |
  • Steve | found us on Google | Android/Linux
  • Jason | New Old Member | Unity 3D, Raspberry Pi & mesh networking | came from Noisebridge
  • Rich | Woodworker & tool collector | found out about us through a makerspace in Hyde Park

Two Random Members

  • Deanna | found us on Meetup | furniture & shelving |
  • Ken | found PS1 on Google | Hacks Hackerspaces

Board and Area Hosts

  • Justin | President
  • Jennie | Vice-President
  • Simon | Secretary
  • Anna | Electronics Area Host
  • Andrew | CNC Area Host
  • Ron | Hot Metals Area Host
  • Erik | General Area Host

Things that need doing around the space

  • Flooring in electronics is loose. It needs to be secured down to the ground.
    • Masonite and foam flooring is hard to stick to the floor
    • Try strong carpet tape?
    • Doobie is going to take a crack at it after the meeting along with any other interested parties
  • Tables in lounge need bracing across the middle. They have panels that do that now, but they preclude sitting on both sides.
    • Put the metal conduit across the bottom and remove the panels?
    • Swap out the tables with the taller ones by the door
  • Need a floor mat at the entrance to catch muddy feet and snow
  • Make it so that the cord doesn't have to run on the floor in front of the front door

Awesome Callouts

  • Everybody who helped with the video: Aaron, Andrew, Ash, Simon, Sky, etc.
  • Dean, Tucker, Ron Bean for disassembling the old tool cage
  • Genevieve for cybersecurity talk
  • Ashley for teaching folks how to weld
  • Ken for running electrical in the CNC room
  • Ken in general for general Ken
  • Andrew for getting the Taz working again

What have you been hacking

  • Jason got a Raspberry Pi talking to some lights
  • Jennie built her pet rodent a 10'x4'x4' mansion
  • Simon open sourced some code for the first time


  • Vote for the new board on Tuesday at the end of member meeting
    • Send in a proxy if you aren't going to be here and are a full member
  • Game night - play games - Saturday, 5pm until late
  • Starting the 23rd, Monday authorizations will be back at 7 pm
  • Door codes changed. Old door codes will stop working on 1/15.
  • Chiditarod is the first weekend in March, food drive, make stuff, fun,
  • Painting workshop on Thursday, register on Meetup
    • And a rerun on Monday, 1/16
  • SIGNBOT - Robots! 8 pm! Thursday!
  • NERP - Not Exactly Raspberry Pi - Monday, hangout, show & tell, talk about microcontrollers and embedded applications
    • Maybe there will be a discussion of Raspberry Pi mesh networks
  • Beehive workshop, Saturday 8 am
    • Send an email to to request a registration form or additional information
  • NASA Space App Hackathon - we're trying to host this, so come help organize on Saturday 1pm - or stay tuned for opportunities to volunteer or take part
  • Wikignomes - Saturday at 1 pm
  • Small Metals Office Hours, Sunday: all things nonferrous and of moderate
  • Tier One Cold Metals authorization happens Saturday at noon


  • Do we have answers?
    • Maybe.
  • Is there going to be a tour?
    • Yep! Next, even.
  • 300 Seconds of Fame: is it tonight?
    • Nope, next week, election edition.
  • Is that a guitar amplifier?
    • Yep!
      • Who is working on that?
        • It's just here to use.
          • Is there CAJOO tomorrow?
            • Hard to say, since Jennie might be going out of town? But you can CAJOO yourself.
              • But what's CAJOO?
                • It's a chance to play music with other folks, no talent or instruments required.
  • Are there dues and things like that?
    • Yep, two tiers of monthly dues: $40 for starving hacker, $70 for full member (with storage space and right to vote)
  • Trying to find IP address for Raspberry Pi on windows with mdns
    • Install Bonjour (one way you can install that on Windows is installing iTunes, which it comes bundled with)
    • Or you can use arp, fping, or nmap to find the IP address of the Pi on the network



Who wants to give a tour?

  • Thanks Ron for giving a tour!