Membership Troubleshooting

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Some common issues:

I reinstated my membership but don't have access to X

Our systems automation doesn't work as well if you're not a new member. Email

I can't log into X

If you're an approved member, you should be able to log into everything you need. (Some computers are limited to authorized users, such as the laser computers or shopbot.) Email for help.

I lost/need to replace my key fob

  1. There is a bucket of fobs by the front door. Grab one, there's a number on it.
  2. Log into, click on Edit Profile
  3. Add the new fob # to the RFID Tag field.
  4. Unfortunately it will take up to 2 hours for the system to load the new fob into the door code server.


The big authorizations are available at Otherwise search for the specific equipment in this wiki.

Payment Issues

Log into, there will be links to use Stripe. If you run into problems with being asked to pay your subscription/membership over and over, please email Sometimes our membership software (Wild Apricot) doesn't work properly.

ID Checks

Traditionally ID checks are done Tuesday nights at the member meetings. However, if that doesn't work for you, message #general in discord.