
From Pumping Station One
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There once was an area called General, and all the creatures in all the lands agreed that it Generally Sucked. Never again they said, and it was. And it was good.


Neverland, the area of your dreams.  Don’t feed the gremlins.

All children, except one, grow up.  They soon know they will grow up, and the way we know they have grown up is that there is no riff-raff on the tables.  In Neverland, we love to bask in the beauty of a clean Neverland, devoid of trip hazards, and tables budding with opportunity.

Neverland may have no rules, but it does have gremlins.  It’s ripe with gremlins.  Gremlins everywhere waiting to eat projects left on Neverland’s tables overnight.  Neverland’s tables are not project storage, nay.  Every evening, take care not to stash errant goodies in front of Neverland’s lockers, you may never see your beloved bits and bobs again.  You may see gremlins, but no bits and bobs.

Gremlins love events!  Have guests.  Neverland is a land of opportunity.  But clean up Neverland before you go.  And take your guests with you when you go, or else they might just be gobbled up by the gremlins. Every night gremlins hold a giant feast.  Prior to the feast, they kick all of the items on the tables directly into the trash.  They have excellent kicking aim.  Gremlins are incredible at soccer.