Olympic Glass Kiln

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Olympic Glass Kiln
Burtons Glass Kiln.jpg
Owner/Loaner [Burton Kent]
Serial Number T0642
Make/Model SQUARE 146GFE
Arrival Date 1/27/2025
Usability yes
Contact Burton Kent
Where Small Metals Kiln Niche
Authorization Needed yes
Hackable no
Estimated Value $800
Host Area Category:Small_Metals

Olympic Glass Kiln [Burton Kent] Area: Category:Small_Metals https://ps1.mywikis.wiki/wiki/Olympic_Glass_Kiln


No authorization needed if you have programmed a glass kiln before. Otherwise, talk to Burton.


The first two programming slots are free to use. The rest are reserved.

The manual is available here.

The heating element buzzes when first heating up. This is normal. If the buzzing comes from within the controller, please let us know, that's a sign of the relay failing.

DO NOT open the kiln when the temperature is above 500°. This shortens the life of the firebrick and causes firebrick grit to fall in on the glass.