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Nick Prorok is a member pumping station one.

At the beginning of March I proposed 5 votes that I thought would improve pumpingstation: one. After 2 weeks of discussion, it was apparent that a few members STRONGLY DISAGREED with the premises of every single vote. I took their input into consideration and compromised where I was willing. In the end, the members are supposed to vote anyway, so if they were bad ideas, the members could always vote no.

Many individuals approached me on line from PS1 to try to persuade me to not propose my votes, or to tell me why they disagreed.

AROUND 3-15-20, I was removed from the online communication platforms for my opinions by the admins and the president of PS1 FILED a complaint against me to the Dispute resolution committee.

The DRC requested a meeting with me via online, to which I agreed on the conditions that they told me what specifically I was being accused of and what the scope of their decision was going to be after we meet. The DRC refused to provide me any specific thing I did or said that warranted the meeting, so I informed them that I thought it was in my best interest to not attend.

2 board members are on the DRC, so I can appeal to the board about the DRC's decision...

Email Sent april 7

      • This is an official communication of the PS1 Dispute Resolution Committee. This letter serves as a formal notification and will become a part of the official record. It does not reflect the views of any individual DRC member.***

Dear Nick,

The DRC met to discuss your case on March 31, 2020 in your absence after you informed us in writing that you preferred not to attend. While it was your right not to attend, this deprived us of the opportunity to obtain your input. After considering the evidence from several cases presented to the DRC, we have determined to take the following course of action:

You will be suspended from all PS1 online forums (Google Groups, Discourse, and Slack) for 4 months, effective immediately through August 7, 2020.

You are hereby ordered to cease and desist emailing fellow PS:1 members at their personal email addresses for reasons outside the scope of your authorization privileges.

You will be placed on probation for a period of 4 months, effective when PS:1 reopens. The terms of probation at PS1 are outlined below.

The DRC will be carefully monitoring your behavior within the space and interactions with other members. Submissions made to the DRC during this time in which you are the respondent that are deemed to be valid for investigation may result in suspension from the space, and all online forums, of up to 120 days.

The following incidents informed our course of action in response to cases submitted to the DRC, and how they relate to the Membership Agreement to which you agreed upon becoming a member of PS:1.

1) Membership Agreement, section 2.6: “Member Conduct. Demonstrated inability to treat any person, member, organization, or facility with respect.”

From Max Rashes, Secretary of PS1: "Please keep in mind that we are all volunteers who have limited bandwidth. Saying 'If the secretary would do his job' on digital spaces is very demoralizing and makes it much harder for me to do my job effectively."

From Matt Dinning: “You [sic] slack post compounded your Google Groups posts and made me feel unsafe coming to the space, because of you, Nick.”

From Nathan Upchurch: “I thought this sort of spicy content was reserved for the Google group? I felt safe here :(“

2) Membership Agreement, section 4.7: “Deliberate intimidation by words…”

Email chain to Max Rashes, Secretary of PS1:

“From: Nick P.

Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 8:43 PM

Subject: Re: Vote to Explore New Locations for Pumping Station: One

To: PS1 Secretary <>

Fraud is a crime.”

3) Membership Agreement, section 17.1: “…member will not use it [electronic communication] in connection with…unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise.)”

From Luke Wilk: “Nic [sic], why the fuck I'm getting unsolicited mails from you, addressed also to ton of other HS members? This shit must stop now. Period.”

Additional violations of the Member Conduct portion of the Membership Agreement are cited below:

On Sunday, 3/15/2020: Use of the #Volunteers channel on Slack for matters not in accordance with the stated purpose of the channel, despite being asked to refrain from doing so.

On 3/31/2020: Inappropriate use of member emails for a “mailing list for covid” that was not approved by the Board of Directors, and did not represent an official communication from PS:1.

Posting of an official DRC communication to the private Google Groups page despite a request, sent in all official communication from the DRC, to maintain discreteness.

It is our sincere hope that during your time away from PS1 forums that you will reflect on your language, the way you choose to communicate your ideas, and your online behavior that led us all to this point. We value your interest in ensuring a sustainable future for PS:1, and your potential to inform our authorization processes. The Board of Directors has formed committees whose tasks are aimed directly at these present and future challenges, and you were offered the chance to join them.

We would like to remind you that it is within your rights to appeal our decision to the Board of Directors. If you wish to do so, you may send a message to indicating that you would like to appeal the outcome of a DRC case. At that point, the Board will communicate with us, deliberate and make a judgement as they see fit. Decisions rendered by the Board are final; your suspension from the online forums remains in effect during the appeal process.


David E., on behalf of the PS1 Dispute Resolution Committee

-- David E. Director at Large Pumping Station: One Make. Hack. Craft.


Email sent april 11, 2020 from PS1 president Aushra

[side note that everything matt keith said about me is untrue]

To Nick Prorok:

The 3D Printing Area Host has notified the Board that you have damaged the 3D printers while attempting to perform repairs, and you have repeatedly disregarded his requests to stop disassembling the 3D printers. For these reasons, he has requested that you be removed as a volunteer authorizer. 

This message serves as notification that your work-in-lieu-of-dues volunteer position has been terminated. To continue your membership at Pumping Station: One, update your payment information in the member portal.


The Pumping Station: One Board of Directors