Spray Booth

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Spray Booth
Owner/Loaner PS1
Serial Number na
Make/Model na
Arrival Date who knows
Usability yes
Contact Ben Stagl
Where Loading dock
Authorization Needed no
Hackable no
Estimated Value various parts
Host Area general

Spray Booth ps1 Area: General https://ps1.mywikis.wiki/wiki/Spray_Booth

This booth is ancient but was restored to functionality during the Great Pandemic of 2020-21-...

The Exhaust fan and ducting was brought into operable condition, junk cleared out and interior surfaces were painted reflective white.

Filters were added and a power switch for the exhaust was installed across the dock near the Woodshop door. As there are very strict Fire and Building Codes that govern this booth the switch needed to be away from the booth and very clear from the open side. The same codes govern lighting.

We had an approved lighting system in place but awaiting parts until someone tore them out.

So we set up a light stand that could be placed the requisite distance from the booth. Someone took that apart (they wanted the parts for something?!!) We again are rebuilding. DO NOT HACK

This booth is still a work in progress as we repair the vandalism and stock basic supplies.

A new lighting stand is now in place to accommodate projects until an internal LED solution can be purchased and installed. DO NOT HACK'


Ben Stagl has placed a number of his spray tools and safety supplies in the five drawer file to the left. He's invited members to use them RESPECTFULLY.

We also supply some minimal supplies there.

There is also a spray can rack on that same left side for items in active use. Please store flammables in the flammables cabinet when not in use. Unattended flammables may be moved to the flammables cabinet per the area policies.