Toolbox - bicycle repair

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Toolbox - bicycle repair
Owner/Loaner PS1
Serial Number na
Make/Model 24 inch toolbox
Arrival Date huh?
Usability yes
Contact Garyn or books
Where Under center work table
Authorization Needed no
Hackable yes
Estimated Value ~ $10
Host Area General Area

Toolbox - bicycle repair PS1 Area: General Area

Big red toolbox on casters. Gary and Books found it under a pile of trash. Thanks to Books for starting to organize it. Stuff like basic tools chains bearings grease etc. we will be working to better equip it in 2022.

We are working on. A vote for a complete kit. The existing. Ox is broken and only contains random used parts now.

We I’ll likely build around a Park toolkit And add a toolbox truing stand bike repair amstand and a few other things. The vote is looking like under $1000 at this time.