Vacuum table

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Vacuum table
Owner/Loaner Khoi Nguyen
Serial Number N/A
Make/Model N/A
Arrival Date Dec 2014
Usability yes
Contact Khoi Nguyen
Where Wood Shop, under worktable
Authorization Needed yes
Hackable NO
Estimated Value $500.00
Host Area {{{hostarea}}}

Vacuum table Khoi Nguyen Area: {{{hostarea}}}


This is a vacuum table for applying veneers and gluing delicate/hard to clamp items.

VacuumTable1.jpg Opening of bag VacuumTablePump.jpg Vaccum Pump Vaccumtabletanks.jpg Vaccum Tanks and Gauge


  1. Use for Large flat objects or small delicate objects, Not for glueing dimensional lumber
    • If clamps can be used to achieve your goal, please use them instead
  2. ALWAYS Check for sharp edges on your work pieces, as they can puncture (read: ruin) the bag
    • use the extra piece of plastic over any work piece that you are gluing or has sharp corners
    • it is best to sand or otherwise smooth all corners of your work piece as well
  3. Check to make sure that the vacuum has stabilized at 21 before you leave your work unattended for curing time
    • if the vaccum does not turn off after 10-15 minutes of run time there may be a leak in the gasket that attaches the vacuum pump
      • If the cure time on your piece is less than an hour you can let it run, however you cannot run the vacuum pump run continuously for longer than that as you may damage it

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Khoi Nguyen Owner
Will Garza Khoi Nguyen
Raj Perera Khoi Nguyen