Vote to Fund Space Expansion Buildout

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  • Dean Anderson
  • Everett Wilson


  • Mailing List Announcement: 6/28/16
  • Officially Proposed: 7/5/16
  • To be Voted on: 7/12/16 - didn't meet quorum
  • To be Voted on: 7/19/16


We signed the lease for the 3515 Elston and will move in soon. The space planning committee created three floor plans for the combined space. Through a survey, the full members selected plan #1:

This vote describes the tasks required for the initial build-out of the combined space.

The 2016 budget vote allocated $5000 for build-out. This vote covers the expected expenses beyond that allocation.

  • HVAC
    • Install AC in new lounge. $300
    • Install a 4" ventilation duct and fan in the clean CNC room to be used by the laser. The roof perforation will be done by a professional roofer. Interior ducting can be done by volunteers. Makeup air? Materials: ducting, elbows, hangers. $400
    • Install ventilation duct, fan and hood for the kitchen. Use the duct currently used by the laser. $250
    • Install ventilation duct, fan and hood for small metals (jewelry). Use the duct over the machine shop work tables. $250
    • Move dust collection system for woodworking. To minimize downtime, new dust collector ductwork for the woodworking area will be installed first. Then the cyclone and machines will be moved. The old ductwork will be used for an additional collector system when the capacity of our current clearvue is exceeded (we may be there already). A new cartridge filter for the Grizzly collector will help with the transition (perhaps allow the shopbot to be moved early) and allow the collector to be used for the rafter cleaning project. Materials: ducting, elbows, wyes, hangers, blast gates. Ducting based on 2014 ductwork invoice- $1216. Cartridge filter $200.
    • Extend ventilation duct and add hood for hot metals. $400
  • Electrical
    • Install new power outlets for woodworking, cold metals and hot metals. Materials: conduit, wire, outlets. $1500
  • Plumbing
    • Install work sink on the wall adjacent to the kitchen, next to the sliding fire door. Materials: sink, misc. plumbing. $300
    • Install work sink at the top of the stairs next to upstairs bathroom. $300
    • Remove old sink in new lounge.
    • Compressed air lines for the laser and hot metals. $250. Tom Judge recently told us that the current air lines in the 3519 shop are in bad shape and should be replaced. Fitter Dave had design ideas. We aren't sure of the condition of 3515 lines (that side of the building is newer, so they may be OK). There wasn't enough time to plan for this vote, so if a replacement is warranted, another vote may be necessary.
  • Partition between hot metals and woodworking in 3515.
    • We are still investigating the options allowed by city and fire codes. Best guess of cost is $1500. If code requirements force this higher, we will have discussion and another vote before proceeding.
  • Demolition
    • Remove temporary partition in new lounge. Paint and repair drywall if necessary. Materials: paint.
    • Remove tool cage walls.
  • Obtain necessary permits if they are deemed appropriate.
  • Move equipment to new locations.
  • Vacuum dust from trusses, walls, etc. in 3519 shop.
  • Purchase and install shelving for member storage. $700
  • Benches for general work area. $500
  • Rent or purchase a section of rolling scaffolding. This will be used in the shop to help with the work near the roof such as electrical, ducting & cleaning. $400

This vote assumes that these tasks will be performed by the landlord before we move in:

  • Paint the walls in 3515.
  • Fix roof leaks.
  • Upgrade the lighting.

Sub total: $8466

        plus 20% contingency funds
        minus $5000 already allocated in 2016 budget vote

Total $5159.20


We authorize the board to spend up to $5159.20, in addition to the $5000 already voted on in the 2016 budget, for tools, materials, supplies and services to build-out plan 1 as described by the Space Planning Committee.

We also authorize the board to select a project manager who will create a plan, track expenses, organize volunteers and hire contractors. The project manager will provide periodic reports to the board. The project manager will consult with the membership, area hosts, board and space planning committee when appropriate.

The funding for this vote will expire at the end of 2016.



Vote passes

58 full members present

56 Yea, 0 Nay, 2 abstained

Quorum was 41