Vote to Update Tidy Space Policy (2024)

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Vote to Update Tidy Space Policy (2024)

Nick Hawley


Jennie Plasterer

Andrew Wingate

Ian Sampson


Vote Results

 Quorum:[ ]
 Yea Votes: [ ]  
 Nay Votes: [ ]
 Present or Abstain: [ ] 


Proposal Date

Date this proposal was posted to the membership and a request for a vote date was sent to the Board.


Member Input

Does the Sponsor choose to open the language of the vote for changes due to member input? (optional and can be modified at any time)

[x] YES [ ] NO

Vote Announcement and Beginning Date of the Discussion Period

The announcement date of the vote proposal is the beginning date of the seven-day (minimum) posting and Member discussion period. (Certain exceptional vote types have longer discussion periods. Check the Bylaws if you are unsure.) If the Sponsor has chosen to include member input, suggested edits can be made in a shared document or other collaborative vehicle until the language is locked. The sponsor can stop taking suggestions at any time.


Language Lock Date and Start of Voting

Five days prior to the Day of the Vote, the vote language is locked, all edits are frozen, and the language of the vote is converted to a pdf file. Ballots that include the pdf are sent to the Membership, and electronic voting begins. Note that the minimum discussion period of seven days leaves only two days for changes before the lock takes place.


Day of the Vote

Date the Board has assigned for the vote. The Day of the Vote is the day the vote closes.



Greater efforts to maintain the tidiness/cleanliness of PS1 in 2024 have shed light on certain issues with PS1's current Tidy Space Policy. We propose these changes be made to clarify cleanliness and maintenance policy at PS1.


The best way to fully understand what is being proposed is to read both the current Tidy Space Policy and the Tidy_Space_Policy_Proposal. An incomplete summary of major changes follows:

  • Tidy Space Deputies have the explicit ability to limit the renewal of Green Tickets after a Red Ticket has been issued.
  • 'No-Go Zones' clarify existing rules around worktables, walkways, etc.
  • For items stored improperly in No-Go Zones, the time between red ticketing and moving to salvage decreased to from 72 hours to 24 hours. When temporary storage is difficult or impossible, 2 Deputies can skip the 24 hour period at their discretion.
  • For Standing Projects left on worktables (glue/paint/finish drying, etc) time limit increased from 1 hour to 3 hours.
  • Separate process for Personal Storage removed
  • Removed obsolete areas/language
  • Removed duplicative sections that are governed by other policies (mainly Membership Agreement)
  • Simplified language

Language of the Vote

Replace the existing Tidy_Space_Policy with the following new language (Also found at Tidy_Space_Policy_Proposal)

Tidy Space Policy V3 (2024)

What is TidySpace?

The Tidy Space policy is designed to make the “space” in “hackerspace” easier for everyone to use. It introduces a visual system of marking and tagging to indicate when something is out of place, and gives people tools to help keep things orderly. It relies on participation from every member, but is administered by Deputies. It is, of course, to be executed alongside the Pumping Station: One Membership Agreement and the overarching rule: “be excellent to each other.”

It is strongly recommended that all personal property is labeled. It is much more likely your belongings can be returned to you if there is identifying information present. Pumping Station: One is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal property. (See Membership Agreement.) Leave items at your own risk.


All Board Members, Area Hosts, and Volunteer Authorizers are Tidy Space Deputies.  Additional persons can be deputized by an Area Host or Board Member.

Being Excellent

Be respectful of our communal space by not leaving your belongings out and potentially hindering others from making. Be respectful of the property of others and be gentle when moving what is not yours.

Green Ticket

What it is

We understand that not all projects can be completed in a single day. In that light we want to have a way to respectfully communicate the status and the day  when an item may be removed. Green tickets are used as a formal request to procure an acceptable space for a limited time with a maximum of 72hrs. Green tickets can be renewed, unless red ticketed or otherwise informed. Requests for extended time may be granted by a deputy.

Red Ticket

What it is

Red Tickets are used to inform interested parties of the unacceptable state and the change in status of ticketed items. Upon ticketing, items must be removed within 72 hours (except as designated elsewhere in this policy) before being moved to Salvage. Only Deputies may move expired Red Tickets to Salvage.

Who can issue

Red tickets may be issued by any Deputy.  Red Tickets will be placed on anything found in the space without a Green Ticket, in a No-Go Zone, or with an improperly filled or expired Green Ticket. Deputies will use good faith and common sense to differentiate trash from personal property when deciding whether to issue a Red Ticket.


Both a physical Red Ticket and submission via the Red Ticket Machine are required for valid Red Tickets.  

Red Ticket statuses will be posted to current official channels. Deputies are not required to contact via outside channels.


What it is

Salvage is a clearly marked area dedicated to almost-trash. Anyone may remove anything from Salvage at any time.

What can be put in Salvage and who can put it there?

  • Deputies: Items with valid Red Tickets that have expired.
  • All members: Items you own.

Salvage Rules:

  • Do not bring items to PS1 specifically to put in Salvage.
  • Items must fit on the shelves.
  • Anyone may remove anything from Salvage at any time.

Personal Storage

Upon the expiration of storage rental, items are subject to the same policy as items in Temporary Storage.

Temporary Storage

Temporary Storage Areas are designated places for members to store Green Ticketed items. Typically these areas will be labeled.

No-Go Zones

What it is

A No-Go Zone is any designated space that cannot be used to store member projects. These include areas dedicated to storing PS:One equipment. When possible, No-Go Zones should be clearly marked, but a degree of common sense is assumed.

Types of No-Go Zones

Worktables - A Worktable is a surface to be used only for projects currently being worked on. Worktables must never be used to store projects not currently being worked on except those that qualify as “Standing Projects.”

Walkways - Walkways are specially marked areas which are kept free of obstructions so that individuals may pass through them unhindered.

Access Areas - An Access Area is floor space that must be kept clear to allow for access to tools, cabinets, toolboxes, or any other resource. These areas should be marked similarly to walkways, but a degree of common sense is assumed. Electrical panels, light switches, doors, etc.

What happens to things in a No-Go Zone?

Items in a No-Go Zone will be ticketed as normal, but the Red Ticket period will be 24 hours instead of 72 hours. If items cannot be easily moved to Temporary Storage, then they can be moved directly to Salvage/Trash at the discretion of any two Deputies. The Red Ticket Machine must still be used for notification and documentation.


Properly labeled Standing Projects are allowed to be left on Worktables, subject to the details below.

Standing Projects

If you need to leave a project for a short time (3 hour maximum) you are expected to put a note on your project with the time you are leaving and contact information. If 3 hours pass after that time, the item may be moved to Temporary Storage in the same manner of an untagged item. If a project is going to be left for longer than 3 hours, a Green Ticket should be written and the item should be stored properly, either in a personal locker/shelf or Temporary Storage.

Standing projects should be tagged by their owner with the following:

  • Name and contact information
  • Date and time the items are being left
  • Time of expected return
  • Explanation (examples: "wet paint", "home depot run", "dinner")

Make sure your tag is visible, legible, and securely attached to your items.

Moving Other People’s Projects

If you encounter what appears to be an abandoned project after looking for a Standing Project Note and verifying that the person is not at the space, proceed to move the project to Temporary Storage while keeping the following in mind:

  • Respecting other people's property is part of Being Excellent.
  • Move items to Temporary Storage if there is space available. If no space is available, move items out of the way and contact an Area Host to let them know about the items in question.

Special Interest Groups / Clubs

Any group of members that seek out dedicated space for supplies and tools for a common purpose (ie: photography, Power Racing, Cycle Station One) will go through the Area Host for permission, and can be exempted from the Tidy Space policy.