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How Do I Get Authorized?

Any tool more dangerous than a soldering iron requires authorization before use, these are marked with a sticker like the one above. Authorizations are how we keep each other safe and maintain our tools for the community, this is why authorizations are still required even if a member has prior knowledge of how to use a specific tool. Be cool, get authed.

Some authorizations are regularly scheduled while others are scheduled on-demand. To schedule an on-demand authorization, members may post in the relevant Discord channel, or contact a volunteer authorizer directly. Contact information for all current volunteer authorizers can be found at Volunteer Positions.

⚠️ Notice, March 2024 - Confirm authorizations on Discord first

Double check by verifying on Discord with how to get authorized for any tool. Please help us out by letting area hosts (or #wiki-love) know if the information on this page needs to be updated. You are also welcome to update this wiki page yourself. Thanks!

Wood Shop - #woodshop-general on Discord

The Wood Shop Basic Authorization is a prerequisite for all other authorizations listed in this section. The Basic Authorization is a two-part process:

  1. Complete the Canvas Course, first
  2. Through the Canvas Calendar schedule an in-person authorization

If you have trouble you can reach out to #woodshop-general on Discord or email

Area Authorization Contact Schedule
Woodshop Basic Authorization Complete the Canvas Course Woodshop Authorization
Woodshop Sweet 16 Wood Lathe Contact Donzell Gordon to set up a time Donzell Gordon
Woodshop Delta Mortiser and Tenon Jig Ask in #woodshop-general on Discord
Woodshop Advanced Bandsaw: Resawing and Maintenance Ask in #woodshop-general on Discord
Woodshop SawStop Dado Stack Ask in #woodshop-general on Discord

Small Metals - #small-metals-general on Discord

All small metals authorizations are by-request.

Area Authorization Contact
Small Metals Basic Authorization Small Metals Authorizers
Small Metals Casting Small Metals Authorizers
Small Metals Hydraulic Press Small Metals Authorizers

Ask for dates and times in #small-metals-general on Discord.

Please review the wiki pages: Acetylene_Air_Torch_Jewelry, Evenheat_810_Kiln, AIM_Kiln_1413 and Dyna_Kiln_N100

Cold Metals - #cold-metals-general on Discord

All small metals authorizations are by-request.

Tier 1 Cold Metals Authorization

Authorizations for many of the most commonly used metal tools, including the drill press, bandsaw, Johnson bandsaw, chop saw, belt sander, bench grinder, and angle grinders, are bundled together into a single session.

The following table generally requires completion of Tier 1 prior to authorization.

Area Authorization Contact
Cold Metals Clausing Metal Lathe Cold Metals Authorizers
Cold Metals LeBlond Metal Lathe Cold Metals Authorizers
Cold Metals Bridgeport Knee Mill Cold Metals Authorizers
Cold Metals Grizzly Mini Metal Lathe Cold Metals Authorizers
Cold Metals Surface Grinder Cold Metals Authorizers
Cold Metals Baldor 510 Tool Grinder Cold Metals Authorizers

Hot Metals - #hotmetalshop on Discord

The Hot Metals general auth is a prerequisite for all other authorizations in this area, in addition to any listed prerequisites.

Machine/Area Name How to Schedule Authorization
Hot Metals general auth Hot Metals Authorizers
Big Blasting Cabinet Contact an Authorizer to set up a time
Belovac Vacuum Forming Machine Viral Authorizations, Post request to #hotmetalshop on Discord
Powder Coating Contact an Authorizer to set up a time
MIG Welder Auths available during office hours - check the Events Calendar
TIG Welder Contact an authorizer to set up a time
CNC Plasma Cutter Regularly scheduled - check the Events Calendar
Handheld Plasma Cutter Auths available during office hours - check the Events Calendar
Blacksmithing/Forges Auths available during office hours - check the Events Calendar

CNC - Lasers - #lasers on Discord

Machine/Area Name How to Schedule Authorization
Universal PLS6.150D 150W Laser Engraver Contact Lasers Authorizers
BOSS LS-3655 150w Laser Engraver Contact Lasers Authorizers
Universal Laser Maintenance Contact Lasers Authorizers
Boss Laser Maintenance Contact Lasers Authorizers

CNC - 3D Printers - #3d-sla-printing on Discord

Machine/Area Name How to Schedule Authorization
Prusa i3 3D printer are online only through canvas
Creality Ender 3 A 3D Printer are online only through canvas
Form 3 SLA 3D printer Authorization is restricted to members running paid parts; requesting parts is at-cost and requires no authorization. Ask in Discord.

Industrial CNC - #cnc-general on Discord


There are 2 required classes for complete Shopbot Authorization. The first class is a software-only class to cover CNC concepts and the toolpath and control software. This class is unlimited capacity and generally open to the public. The software-only class is a prerequisite for the second class, the hands-on ShopBot authorization, which will be significantly shortened since it will only cover the specifics of the tool itself.

Machine/Area Name How to Schedule Authorization Prerequisites Authorizer(s)
ShapeOko2 CNC Router 2D and 3D Auths are scheduled 1:1 None Mike Thompson
Shopbot PRS CNC router Regularly scheduled - check the Events Calendar None David Earl
Tormach 1100 series CNC mill See the Canvas course for authorization information Cold Metals general auth, Bridgeport auth Alex Berkowitz

2D Printing - #2d-printing on Discord

Machine/Area Name How to Schedule Authorization
Mimaki CJV30-160 Complete the Canvas Course
Epson Stylus Pro 9800 Large-format Printer Contact 2D Printing Area Host

Graphic Arts & Textiles - #arts-general on Discord

Sewing Machines

No certification is required for the tabletop sewing machines. For the Singer 20U Industrial Sewing Machine, there is a tutorial video, followed by a required authorization session with the Arts & Crafts Area Host or authorizer). The Singer Serger 14T948DS differential feed sewing machine also requires authorization.

Machine/Area Name How to Schedule Authorization
Silhouette Cameo 3 Paper Cutter
Singer 20U Industrial Sewing Machine
Brother 230 knitting machine

Electronics - #⚡-electronics-general on Discord

The Electronics area currently has no available authorizations.

Kitchen - #kitchen-general on Discord

Machine/Area Name How to Schedule Authorization Prerequisites Authorizer(s)
Java Master 2002 Coffee Roaster Contact an authorizer to set up a time Acquire 1 lb green coffee beans, which can be done at Sweet Maria’s Ryan Pierce

General Area

Door Controller

Work Tables

New Tool Authorization Template

Information for all authorizations will be maintained in this Authorizations page, and individual tool pages (or wherever else) can link back here. This creates one simple place to go and manage information regarding an auth without having to hunt down the the individual tool or content on multiple pages.

Copy the example in Template:ToolAuthorization and paste it into this Authorizations page under the correct area/section, then fill out the needed fields. Once the page saves, above the filled out template there will be a {{#lst:Authorizations|authid}} code snippit sepcific for that filled out auth. Copy and paste this snippit into the tools page that requires the authorization. If you later need to update the auth information, return to this page and edit it here.

Sample Template Code

|authid = hotairballoon
|authorization_name = Hot Air Balloon
|authorizer = [[User:Jane_hacker|Jane Hacker]]
|schedule_frequency = Twice a week, see Canvas
|discord_channel_link =
|discord_channel_name = #random
|step1 = [ Complete the Canvas course]
|step2 = Use Canvas to schedule with the next available in-person auth
|step3 = Complete the in-person auth
|description = Please remember to bring aviator goggles and propane


Hot Air Balloon

Labeled Section Transclusion