How Do I Get Authorized?

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Any tool more dangerous than a soldering iron requires authorization before use, these are marked with a sticker like the one above. Authorizations are how we keep each other safe and maintain our tools for the community, this is why authorizations are still required even if a member has prior knowledge of how to use a specific tool. Be cool, get authed.

All authorizations and basic requirements can be found on the wiki page for those pieces of equipment populated from the central list of Authorizations. All tools should have an Equipment Label on it regardless of authorization status, but especially those that have authorization requirements.


You are responsible for becoming properly authorized for any tool based on the authorization requirements. Much of the complex or dangerous equipment at PS1 requires authorization before you can use it. Look at the equipment label on the piece of equipment to see if it requires authorization or not. The equipment label is a direct link to a wiki page that explains about the tool and will have a section for "How to Get Authorized". If insufficient information is available on the wiki page you can try to contact the volunteer authorizer directly, or through the relevant discord channel, or see Broken Authorizations to help.

All authorizations are recorded as part of your member account by the relevant authorizer. Computer-controlled tools (e.g. the ShopBot ) require that your authorization be recorded on the member site in order for your membership login to enable access to the computer. Most tool authorizations operate on the honor system. Negligent or improper use of a piece of equipment may result in the loss of equipment access or require retraining. See the Authorization Policy for details.

Authorization will acquaint you with basic operational and safety procedures, but doesn't generally include extensive instruction on how to best use each piece of equipment. Mastery of any process is also your responsibility: ask questions in relevant Discord channels, use online sources, take classes at one of the several Chicagoland organizations that offer them, or ask a knowledgeable member. Share your knowledge and help keep the wiki updated.

Visit the Authorizations page to get a comprehensive list of the current authorizations available at PS1.

Viral Authorizations

Some authorization may be considered "viral authorizations", as determined by an area host, and only if explicitly stated on the equipment's wiki page. For Viral Authorizations you only need to find a willing already-authorized member to show you the ropes and sign off on your authorization.

See also Equipment Page

Some Authorizations are viral, as in anyone who is already authorized can teach you how to use a tool.

Requesting Authorization

Follow the instructions in on the equipment page for a tool or authorizations page.

Previous Experience

No matter what your personal background is or what skill level you've got; we want to ensure that everyone has all the information to operate these particular tools and equipment safely in this particular space. Substantial portions of an authorization may be tool- or site-specific or peculiar to PS:1. You can always prepare for an authorization by studying manuals, watching tutorials or asking others for help, but you should be prepared to sit through a full authorization session.

Broken Authorizations

A list of substandard authorization process documentation that currently require improvement or additional information. If you find a page that needs work please add this category tag.

Note for tool maintainers and wiki maintainers: it's good to convert things to links so that the pertinent information need only bee maintained in one place - don't double-post when you can link.

Wiki Pages

There is likely a sticker or label with a QR code; scan the code with your mobile device or type that name into the search bar of this Wiki. It's possible that the label might be missing but there still may be a wiki page for the tool or equipment. If you can't find the label, search the wiki with the name or make and model of the equipment; try to find the wiki page for the equipment. Help maintain the consistency of the wiki and tools by creating labels or letting volunteers know that labels are missing.

Example Label


Any tool that has an equipment label has a URL, right on the label, showing you where to look to learn all about that tool including the authorization process and requirements.

Let's use the Lulzbot_Taz3 3D printer as an example:

The label indicates that it requires authorization. On the Wiki, you'll see following information on the right side of the page.


The page for the tool or equipment may have a paragraph or section about how to get authorized for that particular thing. Requirements vary from thing to thing; check the wiki page first and it's likely to be explained.

Check the PS:1 events calendar, the Events panel in Discord, or to see if an area has regularly scheduled authorizations. If there is nothing scheduled, you may contact the Volunteer Authorizer for that area, the Area Host for that area, or the contact person listed on the tool's wiki page.


Canvas is a learning management system, hosted locally at [1]. It is generally a prerequisite for access to in-person authorization sessions. Use the courses to refresh your memory on various equipment processes when you first start using the tool.

Canvas will not encompass all tools, or all aspects of tools, but you'll be able to review safety and pre-authorization requirements online, which is then visible to authorizers, as well as for preliminary pre-authorization 'homework' you can do on your own time. For simple and not-very-dangerous things, you might be able to meet all the authorization requirements online.

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