Board Meeting Notes 2015-08-04

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2015-07-28 2015 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2015-08-11 >>

Meeting Start: 7:02 PM


  • Board Members
    • Derek
    • Ray
    • Jenny
    • Sevin
    • Shelia
    • Ryan
    • Dave
  • Other Members
    • Andrew
    • Jay
    • Brian


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Check RT queue
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • review
  • check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
  • new business
  • old business

New Business

Old Business

  • Account delegation
    • Chase
      • Need to make downtown trip with Derek. Will get Sevin a Chase card and add Ryan to account.
  • Ray to get business cards for Board members, and "generic" PS:One cards.
    • Business cards - Someone needs to pay for this. PEX card ordered for Ray, has not arrived.
  • Costco business membership
  • Insurance Review
    • Member feedback requested on 3 policies. Comments indicate Animal policy may need revision. Need to discuss
    • Cameras - These are purchased, stored by the bar, awaiting install. Dave will install these if nobody gets to it before him. He could use help. Cables run for one camera.
  • Billing landlord for his share of electricity
    • Sevin requested meter readings from the landlord for the electric bill so we can bill him for this.
  • Emergency Lights
    • Sevin says most are mounted to the walls. We need to hire an electrician to wire them.
  • T-shirt swag
    • Samples made. Buying some for people going to Maker Faires. On hold due to graphics resolution issue.
  • PEX Card
    • Ray's PEX card has not arrived.
    • Tom needs to re-order a new card for Sevin.
    • Tom will contact PEX on both issues.
  • Accounting
    • Jeff Upchurch prepared draft 990 and AG990-IL
    • The 990s list incorrect info for the Board. We have contacted our accountant Jeff Upchurch to correct this before filing.
    • Ryan working to extract info and add into 1023 application for 501(c)(3).


  • Mail: Chase statement for the laser.
  • Membership report:
    • Full members: 108
    • Starving hackers: 288
    • Total: 396
  • Financial report: Chase: $83,372, PayPal: $13,451, PEX: $9,826.
    • Ordered planer on Friday.
    • Will transfer from PayPal to Chase.
  • Member leaving reason report:
    • Hasn't had time to use the space, wants to rejoin later.
    • Financial reasons, will be back.
    • Temporary cancellation, gone for August and September. Criticisms: 3D printers inoperable. Otherwise, extremely open and welcoming, wood shop helped the member with job.
    • Too many demands on time, financial reasons. Unsure how to "navigate" PS:One.
  • RT
    • 3161-3164 - Reimbursements to Triano. Done.
    • 3221 - Reimburse Ryan for liquid nitrogen. Done.
    • 3199 - Disruptive person at Python Office Hours. Python Office Hours code of conduct has been updated.
    • 3215 - Pex card reimbursement for Ron. Done.
    • 3158 - Reimburse Jason Shanfield for bandsaw blade. Done.
    • 3217 - Flying Broomstick invoice. Done.
    • 3107 - Reload Justin's Pex card. Done.
    • 3123 - Purchase of planer. Receipt pending.
    • 3154 - Member point to Casey for cleaning the shop.
    • 3143 - No member points for Arturo. (Kitchen area host can't get points for cooking events.) 1 member point each to Will Garza and Trygve for washing dishes.
    • 2779 - Someone needs to work with Arturo to get receipts.
  • New Business
    • Engaged MWE to clarify Bylaws around impeachment vote for requirements on quorum and treatment of Present votes. Waiting for answer.
  • Old Business
    • Treasurer Replacement
      • We have received only one nomination for Treasurer, Brian Chojnowski.
      • Nominations closed Thursday, July 30. Announcement didn't go out on that date as planned.
      • Announcement of election to be held at the next meeting on Tuesday, August 11 with one candidate.
      • The definition of running unopposed is unclear. This is a good area to improve the Bylaws as part of a formal legal review.
    • Area Host review
      • CNC: Andrew Camardella
      • Electronics / Mechatronics: Anna Yu
      • General Area: Justin T. Conroy
      • Graphic Arts and Textiles: Shellie Lewis
      • Hot Metals Shop: Ron Olson
      • Kitchen: Arturo Duarte
      • Metal Shop: Dean Anderson
      • Wood Shop: Matt Triano
      • Tool Cage: Shae Kurko
    • Volunteer Authorizer review
      • CNC: Empty, need to fill!
      • Hot Metals: Simon Cygielski
      • Machine Shop: Todd Allen
      • Machine Shop: Empty, need to fill!
      • Wood Shop: Eric Beauchamp

Board meeting closed at: 8:02 PM


  • The Board votes to amend Board Policy on Animals, replacing the policy text with: "Live animals are not permitted on the premises of Pumping Station: One, except for service animals as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act and applicable state law. Persons must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding service animals." Approved unanimously.