This is the MediaWiki ToolsAuthorization Template, please don't mess with the template (Template:ToolAuthorization) unless you know what you are doing
Template Info
DO NOT use this template on any tool pages.
Only use this template in the big list on the Authorizations page. You will later LINK TO the blue Authorization Info box in the Authorizations page from the tool page using the {{#lst:Authorizations|authslug_for_the_specific_auth_happening}}
generated for that unique blue authorization box.
- Description of fields
- Required:
- authslug: Short no spaces unique ID used to reference the auth information elsewhere on the wiki.
- authorization_name: Name of tool or bundled authorization.
Hot Air Balloon
orGeneral Wood Shop
- authorizer: Name of authorizer, preferably linked to their wiki user page where they can list off better contact info (like their Discord name).
- schedule_frequency: Roughly once a week, month, by request, etc.
By request
- authslug: Short no spaces unique ID used to reference the auth information elsewhere on the wiki.
- Optional:
- discord_channel_link: Right click the channel name to get a link.
- discord_channel_name:
- prerequisites: Any other auths the member needs to complete first, etc.
Completed auth for [[Parachute]]
- step1: Free text field to provide steps needed to complete.
[https://canvas.pumpingstationone.org/courses/40 Complete the Canvas course]
- step2: Free text field to provide steps needed to complete.
Use Canvas to schedule with the next available in-person auth
- step3: Free text field to provide steps needed to complete.
Attend and complete in-person auth
- step4: Free text field to provide steps needed to complete.
- step5: Free text field to provide steps needed to complete.
- required_materials: Tools or gear the member should bring.
Aviator goggles, cape, propane.
- notes: Free text field to provide extra notes.
Will be rescheduled if there's bad weather.
- discord_channel_link: Right click the channel name to get a link.
- At the end add in links to the tool pages that this auth is required for, after the template, example:
[[Hot Air Balloon]]
- Copy and pasta this into the appropriate area section of Authorizations
{{Template:ToolAuthorization |authslug = |authorization_name = |authorizer = |schedule_frequency = |discord_channel_link = |discord_channel_name = |prerequisites = |step1 = |step2 = |step3 = |step4 = |step5 = |required_materials = |notes = }} <!-- List off links to tool pages that this auth is required for --> [[Tool page]], [[Tool page]]
Finally save the Authorizations page
- Linking to the blue authorization info box from tool pages
Once the updated Authorizations loads, under the blue authorization box you just created you'll see "Wiki snippet for admins: [Expand]. Click on this, copy the snippet code, and paste it into the tool's page under the Template:EquipmentPage template. Save that page and you'll see the blue authorization box there.